Saturday rolled around and I decided that I was going to finally finish the Stingray restoration project that Noah and I had begun about 4 years ago. We would do a little work on it and then put it back in the box. I told Noah when I woke him up this morning, "by the end of the day we will be riding that bike around the block." Well in spite of several set backs, namely missing parts, we did it! I realized that there are a lot of similarities between restoring lives and restoring antique bicycles. I will be talking about that on our Monday evening edition of

Anyone who was a kid during the 70's knows the value of a Schwinn Stingray. They were the best bikes in the world back then. When we bought this bike for $156 on
ebay it arrived in parts, rusty parts! After several hours of sanding, painting, buffing and searching for replacement parts we are done. I
weigh about 220 pounds and this bike road me with no problems. It is American made and built to last. Below is a picture of Noah's 1972 "Apple
Krate". We bought that one back in 2001 in the condition that it is in now.
You can click on the pictures to see a close up.