Where has Gene Been?

I just wanted to drop a few lines to let everyone know what I have been up to and why I haven’t been broadcasting The Narrow Mind Radio Show.

As most of you know I took fulltime employment back in 2007 to supplement my income while Jonathan and I planted Great Oak Church in Temecula. In April of this year I quit my job and started a company with another brother from our church. The business has really taken off. We are currently employing 19 people! That being said I have been working about 12-15 hours a day, pastoring, teaching counseling, fathering etc. (did I mention Torque?) So it was necessary for me to put the radio show on hold for the time being.

The good thing is that the business we have started has the potential to help me resume work in Tanzania as well as being a blessing to Great Oak Church.

I hope to do the radio show in October. If you have sent me email and didn’t hear back from me it is because I haven’t even been checking my personal email. Forgive me.

If you want more info about my company you can check it out at http://oneboxlistings.com

Thanks for your continued prayers,
