Dan Corner from the Evangelical Outhouse

Dan Corner of Evangelical Outhouse comes back to TNM. Things don't fare well for Dan on this show. He is playing dodge ball with the scriptures but Gene still nails him a couple of times before he gets desperate and resorts to his secret weapon. What is Dan's secret weapon you might ask. Well Dan tries to accuse Gene of deleting half of the word "obedience" from the show #726.(true desperation) After a few moments of not being able to answer Gene's question about his "so called" tampering with Dan's words Dan earns himself the toilet flush. The show runs 1hr. 41min. The “free download” period has expired for this episode of The Narrow Mind. This MP3 has been archived in the Unchained Radio archive. Click here for details on how to listen to this show and over 230 other shows, debates and interviews. Individual shows can also be downloaded for .98 cents once you register for free at unchainedradio.com.